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Pics credits to SMU (Singapore Management University) |
Saw this topic share by TTMIK today & thought of sharing it with all! Coz sharing is caring~~♥ haha..how lame..but true! So lets learn together! =)
All languages evolve with time, and Korean is no exception. There are always new words being made, and expressions go in and out of fashion. If you hear an unfamiliar word or expression and you can’t find it in the dictionary, chances are you heard a slang expression.
Here, we have two words that are very commonly used among young Koreans that your textbook will never teach you – 대박 [dae-bak] and 답문 [dap-mun].
대박 [dae-bak]
대박 means “awesome”, “great”, “killer”, or “amazing”. It is often used when you’re dumbfounded by a situation, but it can also be used to say, “대박나세요 [dae-bak-na-se-yo],” which means, “I wish you great success!”
The word “대박” is used a lot between friends and can also often be seen in advertisements. It is a noun and can be used with several verbs. “대박 + 이다 (to be) [dae-bak-i-da]” means “to be awesome” and “대박 + 나다 (to come out) [dae-bak-na-da]” means “to become successful” or “to be a hit (product)”. Sometimes, however, 대박 can be used as an adverb, as in “대박 멋있다 (really cool) [dae-bak meo-si-da]”.
How to use it in a sentence
1. 대박이에요. [dae-bak-i-e-yo.] = It’s awesome! That’s amazing.
2. 대박이었어요. [dae-bak-i-eo-sseo-yo.] = It was amazing!
3. 대박! [dae-bak!] = Amazing! Crazy!
4. 대박인데? [dae-bak-in-de?] = (exclamation) That’s crazy!
5. 완전 대박이야. [wan-jeon dae-bak-i-ya.] = It’s totally awesome!
6. 대박 멋있어! [dae-bak meo-si-sseo] = It’s so cool!
Sample conversation
A: 너 그 얘기 들었어? 오늘 수업 취소됐대.
B: 아 진짜? 대박. 완전 좋다.
A: 근데 토요일 아침에 대신 할 거래.
B: 헐. 대박. 어떻게 토요일에 수업을 하냐?
A: Have you heard? I heard that today’s class has been cancelled.
B: Oh, really? Sweet! Fantastic!
A: But I heard that the class will be held Saturday morning instead.
B: What… That’s crazy. How can we have class on a Saturday?
답문 [dap-mun]
답문 denotes the response text message. 답문 is the combination of “답장 [dap-jang]” (reply), or “답 [dap]” (answer), and “문자 메시지 [mun-ja me-si-ji]” (text message), or “문자 [mun-ja]” (text message).
How to use it in a sentence
답문 좀 빨리 보내 주세요. [dap-mun jom ppa-li bo-nae ju-se-yo] = Please send me your reply quickly.
제 답문 받으셨어요? [je dap-mun ba-deu-syeo-sseo-yo?] = Have you received my reply message?
답문이 아직도 안 왔어요. [dap-mun-i a-jik-do an wa-sseo-yo.] = The reply hasn’t come yet.
Sample conversation
A: 야, 답문 아직 안 왔어?
B: 문자 다시 보내 볼까?
A: 아니야, 그냥 전화를 해 봐.
A: Hey, have you received a reply yet?
B: Shall I send her another text message?
A: No, just call her.
Source: BRIDGE Webzine @ http://bridgezine.com
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